The e-procurement platform natively developed for the end-to-end management of pre-commercial public tenders, of which it manages all salient and characterizing features in accordance with the law, the European soft-regulation and international best practices.
The e-procurement Platform for pre-commercial public tenders
The software was born from the collaboration between Studio Amica and Sara Bedin, recognized at European level as maximum expert in the field of public procurement for innovation, dealing with economic and legal technical features. TUTTOGARE.PCP is a specialized and complete solution guaranteeing high levels of interoperability, flexibility and accessibility standards.
The e-procurement Platform for pre-commercial public tenders
The software was born from the collaboration between Studio Amica and Sara Bedin, recognized at European level as maximum expert in the field of public procurement for innovation, dealing with economic and legal technical features. TUTTOGARE.PCP is a specialized and complete solution guaranteeing high levels of interoperability, flexibility and accessibility standards.
END-TO-END support – demand side
The guided support through the end-to-end and modular management of pre-commercial tenders ensures public administrations concentrate in setting strategic and operative goals related to the improvement of public services quality, and in the comparative evaluation of the different prototypal solutions as emerged from the R&S.
END-TO-END support – demand side
The guided support through the end-to-end and modular management of pre-commercial tenders ensures public administrations concentrate in setting strategic and operative goals related to the improvement of public services quality, and in the comparative evaluation of the different prototypal solutions as emerged from the R&S.
END-TO-END support – offer side
The guided support through the end-to-end management of pre-commercial tenders allows economic operators to efficiently invest in the quality of the answer to the innovative challenge, while meeting deadlines, and to correctly manage the intellectual property generated, pursuing concrete opportunities of commercial advantages.
END-TO-END support – offer side
The guided support through the end-to-end management of pre-commercial tenders allows economic operators to efficiently invest in the quality of the answer to the innovative challenge, while meeting deadlines, and to correctly manage the intellectual property generated, pursuing concrete opportunities of commercial advantages.
The modularity and the SaaS emanation modality allow a quick launch of pre-commercial tender initiatives, while guaranteeing an organizational and planning flexibility of the Contracting Authority in all sectors of public intervention (health, education, environmental transition, infrastructures, ICT, public construction, water resources management).
The modularity and the SaaS emanation modality allow a quick launch of pre-commercial tender initiatives, while guaranteeing an organizational and planning flexibility of the Contracting Authority in all sectors of public intervention (health, education, environmental transition, infrastructures, ICT, public construction, water resources management).

Specialist and multi-disciplinary advice in matters of INNOVATION of public tenders
Specialist and multi-disciplinary assistance (technical-economic-legal)
- for the selection, preparation, strategic planning, communication and evaluation of the different tender procedures aimed at innovating (pre-commercial tenders, innovative solutions tenders, partnerships for innovation)
- for the customized evaluation (in Italian and/or in English) of notice and contractual documents of pre-commercial tenders
- for the definition of monitoring instruments for the innovative performance, and for the management of the intellectual property which generates from the R&S tenders field.